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    Moodle is an open-source Learning Management System (LMS) that provides educators with the tools and features to create and manage online courses. It allows educators to organize course materials, create quizzes and assignments, host discussion forums, and track student progress. Moodle is highly flexible and can be customized to meet the specific needs of different institutions and learning environments.

    Moodle supports both synchronous and asynchronous learning environments, enabling educators to host live webinars, video conferences, and chat sessions, as well as providing a variety of tools that support self-paced learning, including videos, interactive quizzes, and discussion forums. The platform also integrates with other tools and systems, such as Google Apps and plagiarism detection software, to provide a seamless learning experience.

    Moodle is widely used in educational institutions, including universities, K-12 schools, and corporate training programs. It is well-suited to online and blended learning environments and distance education programs. Additionally, Moodle's accessibility features make it a popular choice for learners with disabilities, ensuring that courses are inclusive and accessible to all learners.

    The Moodle community is an active group of users, developers, and educators who contribute to the platform's development and improvement. The community provides support, resources, and documentation for users, as well as a forum for sharing ideas and best practices. Moodle releases regular updates and improvements, ensuring that the platform remains up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices.

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Available courses

This unit covers the competencies required in meeting communication needs of clients and colleagues; developing, establishing, maintaining communication pathways and strategies. It also covers competencies for conducting interview, facilitating group discussion and representing the organization in various forums.

Summary of the learning outcomes;

1. Demonstrate Effective communication


2. Demonstrate Active listening


3. Demonstrate Giving/receiving feedback


4. Demonstrate Interpretation of information


5. Demonstrate Role boundaries setting


6. Demonstrate Negotiation


7. Demonstrate Establishing empathy


8. Demonstrate Openness and flexibility in communication


9. Demonstrate Communication skills required to fulfill job roles as specified by the organization.


10. Demonstrate writing communications strategy

This unit covers the competencies required in installing communication equipment. Competencies include; interpreting equipment design specifications, assembling telecommunication devices, connecting telecommunication devices, operating signal generator, operating signal electronic measuring instrument, inspecting communication cables, testing and commissioning installed equipment and documenting equipment installation report.

Summary of learning outcomes

1. Conduct site survey

2. Interpret equipment design specifications

3. Assemble telecommunication devices

4. Install telecommunication equipment

5. Test and commission installed equipment


This unit covers the competencies required to demonstrate understanding of electronics. Competencies includes; apply semiconductor theory, applying semiconductor diodes, demonstrating understanding of transistors, applying special semiconductor devices, performing rectification, applying amplifiers, demonstrating understanding of oscillators, applying wave shaping and pulse generation circuit and applying Opt-electronics

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Apply semiconductor theory

2. Apply semiconductor diodes

3. Demonstrate understanding of transistors

4. Apply Special semiconductor devices

5. Perform rectification

6. Apply amplifiers

7. Demonstrate understanding of oscillators

8. Apply wave shaping and pulse generation circuits

9. Apply opt-electronics


            This course will explore the various types of the data communication systems, networks and their applications. Concept & terminologies like computer networks, layer architecture (OSI & TCP/IP), network hardware, network software, standardization, network medium, and IP addressing will be explored.

Summary of the learning outcomes

1. Basic knowledge of networking components; ability to identify and compare modern networking structures based on their speed, medium type and topology

2. Ability to identify and describe urban area access network topologies (PPP, dial-up, xDSL, Cable). Also understanding of protocols, client/server model, and Application layer services (telnet, FTP, DNS, HTTP, and SMTP).

3. Ability to understand, analyze and derive solutions for Transport layer services – Reliable and Non-reliable Data Transfer, TCP and UDP protocols

4.Ability to analyze and implement new IP/Network solutions using IP protocol foundations, IP addressing, routing and forwarding knowledge from the Networking layer.

5. Knowledge and ability to identify and compare Data Link Layer services, Ethernet, Token Rings, error detection and correction techniques and ARP

6. Knowledge and ability to implement network applications using various computer programming languages and modern application development techniques.